 | Esther Soriano > Chivas Dominicana "La pasión no sólo es constitutiva del ser humano sino principio de toda comunidad y sociedad, la misma se relaciona con la creatividad y la acción. Es decir, la pasión se pone en juego en la acción. En todo acto creativo el sujeto se funda y, a la vez, se enajena en la pasión permitiendo que las pasiones alegres triunfen sobre las pasiones tristes, el amor sobre el odio, el sentimiento de lo maravilloso sobre el sentimiento de lo siniestro" @Roger Zayas x Fundacion Progressio........  | 2 people like this. |
|  | Clara Gutierrez > Chivas Dominicana me apasiona la musica @ pamela sued y a la fundacion un amigo como tu | 3 people like this. |
|  | Zoraya Burgos > Chivas Dominicana Los razonables han durado, los apasionados han vivido. Voy por Ico Abreu, Fundación Vida Azul. |  | Ana Michelle > Chivas Dominicana La pasión nunca desaparece porque la pasión es por amor y el amor es eterno. apoyo a pamela sued fundacion un amigo como tu ♥_♥ | 3 people like this. |
|  | Zoraya Burgos > Chivas Dominicana La conciencia es la voz del alma; las pasiones son la voz del cuerpo. Adelante con Ico Abreu y Fundación Vida Azul. |  | Zoraya Burgos > Chivas Dominicana El hombre es verdaderamente grande solo cuando obra a impulsos de la pasión. Arriba Ico Abreu y Fundación Vida Azul. |  | Zoraya Burgos > Chivas Dominicana Son las pasiones y no los interés los que guían al mundo. Apoyo a Ico Abreu, Fundación Vida Azul. |  | Zoraya Burgos > Chivas Dominicana Lo importante es transformar la pasión en carácter. Ico Abreu, Fundación Vida Azul. |  | Zoraya Burgos > Chivas Dominicana La única cosa seria es la pasión, no la inteligencia. Oscar Wilde. Apoyando a Ico Abreu, Fundación Vida Azul. |  | Emma Carolina Fernandez-Albert > Chivas Dominicana Somos hijos de la comodidad pero no podemos permitirnos ser padres del conformismo Gittih Ser padres y mantenernos apasionados por la formación de nuestros hijos. ECF-A #chivaspasion @icoabreu en favor de la Fundación Vida Azul |
 | CicloRuta Dominicana En un evento organizado por la Oficina Senatorial de San Cristóbal, la Asociación de Ciclistas de San Cristóbal y el grupo de ciclistas Ciclo Ruta Dominicana, la provincia de San Cristóbal recibió mas de 150 ciclistas de Santo Domingo que se encontraron a la entrada del pueblo con unos 50 ciclistas Sancristobalenses quienes les dieron la bienvenida. | Jun 20, 1:46 PM |
 | 1 person likes this. |
 | Α ρε FB, αν έφτιαχνες και καφέ δεν θα σηκωνόμουν καν από το pc > Coca-Cola  | Jun 20, 1:50 PM |
|  | Α ρε FB, αν έφτιαχνες και καφέ δεν θα σηκωνόμουν καν από το pc > Coca-Cola  | Jun 20, 1:50 PM |
|  | Ramona Greenspan > Coca-Cola I have been known to leave a restaurant becuase they didn't serve Coke. LOL! |  | Robyn Eggleston Allen > Coca-Cola I should have stock with Coca cola I drink so much of it. Do not even speak to me in the morning unless I had my coke already. makes it a better day for everyone around me too. |  | Deyton Ray Brewer > Coca-Cola screw you coke pepsi ftw |  | John Williams > Coca-Cola I drink gallons of Coke Zero coz it makes me sexy ;) |  | Nick Crane > Coca-Cola In a fog drifting back to sleep dreaming of having a Coke w/James Dean Humplhrey, Bogart,Frank Sinatra,Sammy Davis Jr. and John Wane sitting in a old coffeel malt shop in New. York.  | Jun 20, 1:14 PM |
|  | Luis Angel Ramirez Ramos > Coca-Cola the coca cola is the world's best  | 2 people like this. |
| |
|  | Joshua Salvador > Coca-Cola COCA COLA.....FTW!!!! | Jun 20, 1:02 PM |
|  | Qky Shaaja' > Coca-Cola : I like it drink,, |  | Bettie Randolph > Coca-Cola drinking coke since 1945. my favorite drink. | 2 people like this. |
 | Vasil Mutafchiev > Google Where i can present some good ideas.Google,do you have an e-mail for that...? |  | Arshalan Al Aham > Google there is a bug , when i search anything and click on Results, it redirect me on a Advertise Page, why so? is this your system problem or my lappy? | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Andreas Rasmussen > Google http://www.proinvestor.se/aktieforum/704/Eurozone-delays-€12bn-loan-for-Greece#705 |  | Andreas Rasmussen > Google http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQjOVzlqVPE |  | Ajax Union Internet Marketing We're almost at 1000 fans... so close! To celebrate, we're giving our 1000th fan a set of free Google seminar tickets for the seminar of his or her choice! If you win, you get two tix — one for you and one for a date ;) You know SEO and Google AdWords are super romantic! | Jun 20, 1:27 PM |
|  | Oregon Cycle > Google What is going on. Hood River Cinemas listing for movie times are wrong. When you go to movies and put in the local zip code 97031 you get the correct movies but the times are all wrong. These google times have never been the correct times. This has to stop as it is costing us customers and we do not have control over what you are doing. Who do we contact to get this fixed ASAP | Oregon Cycle What is going on. Hood River Cinemas listing for movie times are wrong. When you go to movies and put in the local zip code 97031 you get the correct movies but the times are all wrong. These google times have never been the correct times. This has to stop as it is costing us customers and we do not have control over what you are doing. Who do we contact to get this fixed ASAP
Jun 20, 1:24 PM |
|  | Oregon Cycle > Google What is going on. Hood River Cinemas listing for movie times are wrong. When you go to movies and put in the local zip code 97031 you get the correct movies but the times are all wrong. These Googel times have never been the correct times. This has to stop as it is costing us customers and we do not have control over what you are doing. Who do we contact to get this fixed ASAP |  | Oregon Cycle > Google What is going on. Hood River Cinemas listing for movie times are wrong. When you go to movies and put in the local zip code 97031 you get the correct movies but the times are all wrong. These Google times have never been the correct times. This has to stop as it is costing us customers and we do not have control over what you are doing. Who do we contact to get this fixed ASAP | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Stefan Momcilovic > Google http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oGUmLfqAWI |  | Issam Krim > Google http://www.facebook.com/pages/the-best-of-download/174625899263636 |  | Gerard Sanahuja > Google kjñuijlhtrjorhrhñhwiñrñghñtr  | 1 person likes this. |
|  | SVETLANA CECA RAZNATOVIC > Google http://www.facebook.com/pages/SVETLANA-CECA-RAZNATOVIC/120371339341 JOIN <3 LIKE THIS PAGE <3 |  | Peter Griffinn > Google http://www.youtube.com/user/eddsterchillen96?feature=mhee guitar lessons for free on youtube :) |  | Ariel King > Google THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.TOMMOROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW YOU'VE STARTED READING THIS. DON'T STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. .................. ...1. say your name ten times. ......... 2. say your mom's name five times. 3. say your crushes three times 4. paste this to four other groups. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday. But if you read this and do not paste this, then you will have very bad luck. SEND THIS TO 5 GROUPS IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOU'RE DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSH'S NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS ON THE SCREEN. THIS IS SO FREAKY BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY WOrkSee More 2 seconds ago ·LikeUnlike · Write a comment..... |  | John Green > Google http://www.threadless.com/submission/348688/Totem_of_The_Hipster_Clan/showmore,designs . Vote for my design, i hope you like it! |  | Oregon Cycle > Google What is going on. Hood River Cinemas listing for movie times are wrong. When you go to movies and put in the local zip code 97031 you get the correct movies but the times are all wrong. These Google times have never been the correct times. This has to stop as it is costing us customers and we do not have control over what you are doing. Who do we contact to get this fixed ASAP. |  | Premier League Transfer News > Google please like our page everyone |
 | Sven Röhl > Honda Wir die Hondaszene Bergisch Land sind eine Interessengemeinschaft die sich mit der Auto Marke Honda verbunden fühlt. Um den Zusammenschluss der Honda Fahrer/innen in unserer Region zu fördern und auszubauen. Dabei wollen wir gemeinsam an Treffen teilnehmen, uns über unsere Hondas austauschen,den Teamgeist untereinander stärken und zusammen unsere Freizeit gestalten. Wenn du einen Honda fährst oder eine andere Japanische Marke dann schau doch einfach mal auf unseren Treffen vorbei.Wir treffen uns mindestens einmal im Monat,wo steht bei uns im Forum. Vielleicht findest du ja auch bei uns ein paar neue Freunde für`s Leben! http://www.hondaszene-bergisch-land.de/ |
 | Julie Toom Allen > iTunes I am having great difficulties with my new iPhone & iTunes. Making mE craZy |  | Mézzø Mànádili > iTunes When we will get the IOS 5 in the qatar... I'm still waiting :( | Jun 20, 1:27 PM |
|  | Danny Manion > iTunes http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/infamouslegacyoflords |  | Galina Zwerlein > iTunes We bought a "defective" iTunes card from a local Kroeger store. The serial number on the card got smeared, and we are not able to use it. This was on Saturday. The issue is still still not resolved. Apple support emailed us back for the non existent GCA number. None is listed on the card... I would hate for this issue to take weeks to resolve, since we paid $50. Can anyone at Apple help to make this process less painful? |
 | Chabanel District > Lady Gaga Lady GaGa Gone Bald ??? (Photo and Video) http://chabaneldistrict.com/blog/lady-gaga-gone-bald | Jun 20, 1:51 PM |
|  | Obsessed with Lady Gaga > Lady Gaga Like this page for daily updates, news, photos, videos and more! |  | Musica Para Eventos > Lady Gaga Por favor, una canción, solo una canción en español :) |  | Brandon N'gouan > Lady Gaga hello gaga!i lov you...i'm your first little monster in ivory coast!!!bye gaga!!!! |  | Mersadies Miller > Lady Gaga My name is Jenny. I am 16 year old and have dark blonde hair. NOW THAT YOU HAVE STARTED READING YOU MAY NOT STOP. I was murderered on July 14th with my ........................father's shotgun and butcher knife. If you do not post this on 20 other pages i will come to your house in the middle of the night and kill you with my fathers shotgun and butcher knife. ...... You.............. have 5 hours to complete this task. don't believe me, -Maria Marshall, Pelham, Texas 1998, Was showeringt and went to bed right after, found dead the next morning -Keisha Jones, Nashville, Tennesee 1995, fell sleep while watching television and mother heard gunshot and scream, found next morning lying on the floor -Omar Wilkionsin, Miwaukee, Wisconsin 2002, reading a book to go to bed and was shot and stabbed through the book after he fell asleep still don't believe me? |  | Neil Brownlee > Lady Gaga sawyou in belfast twice phenominal :-) xx |  | Rodney Moore > Lady Gaga Little Monsters help us and call these lawmakers, particularly if you are one of their constituents, and urge them to support the Marriage Equality Act. Senator Gregory R. Ball of Putnam County (845) 279-3773 gball@nysenate.gov Senator Charles J. Fuschillo Jr. of Suffolk County (516) 882-0630 fuschill@senate.state.ny.us Senator J. Kemp Hannon of Nassau County (516) 739-1700 hannon@nysenate.gov Senator Andrew J. Lanza of Staten Island (718) 984-4073 lanza@senate.state.ny.us Senator Betty Little of Glens Falls (518) 743-0968 little@nysenate.gov Senator Mark Grisanti of Erie County (518) 455-3240 grisanti@nysenate.gov Senator Stephen M. Saland of Poughkeepsie (845) 463-0840 saland@nysenate.gov Senator John Flanagan of Long Island (518) 455-2071 flanagan@senate.state.ny.us |  | Flecher-Geno Dinelle > Lady Gaga félicitations pour vos trophées! congratulation for your awards! |  | Brannon Snelson > Lady Gaga Message mee | Jun 20, 1:50 PM |
|  | Alicia Ciorciari > Lady Gaga I love you! <3 |  | Ryan Alexander > Lady Gaga hi |  | Babette Kaufman > Lady Gaga Follow me please on Twitter @lilmonster171 Xxxxxx"xxx"xxxxxxxx"xxxxxx | Jun 20, 1:49 PM |
|  | Justin Biebeɾ > Lady Gaga Today Facebook Enabled Dislike Button Click Here To Enable This Feature http://on.fb.me/llQFQh | Jun 20, 1:49 PM |
|  | Ally Ross > Lady Gaga Congrats on winning, Mama Monster :) | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Nelly Gagavision > Lady Gaga i luv ya ...je t'adore ... anata wa kawai desu ....t'es cool t'es mignione ,u r awesome...... u see ...nothing can show u how much i adore ya ...but i do in all colors and all languages..  | 1 person likes this. |
|  | El Principe de la Cancion- Salud > Lady Gaga fans de Gaga y del alcohol ;) SALUD! 'like' mi como dicen. |  | Alex Hildebrand > Lady Gaga can i have coulple tickets for free!! :) plzzz |  | Joshua Tyler Gray > Lady Gaga Ok so in our band show this year we play bad romance and poker face in part three. And to spice up the band every day I want a pair of glasses I can make to wear and I need ideas. Any help?  | Jun 20, 1:48 PM |
 | Sarah Konor > Oreo http://www.5x5m.com/facebook/12485/778803/41617/swims_fr.html | Unforgettable Swims www.5x5m.com Everyone has a swim that's stayed with them. Explore the stories and win an unforgettable swim of your own. |
 | Jun 20, 1:49 PM |
|  | LaCoure Brannon > Oreo the new summertime oreos are GREAT for breakfast! ;D |  | Charlotte Casbay > Oreo Guess what i had for breakfast this morning.......yep! i had 12 delicious Oreos! | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Josie Kulm > Oreo luvs me some oreos lol |  | Patience Deloach > Oreo dip |  | Kinsley Kirkland > Oreo Apolo Anton Ohno Brandi birthday | Jun 20, 1:20 PM |
|  | Macie Finley > Oreo Best way to eat oreos? Take a large spoonful of peanut butter, blob it on the top, and bite in. Enjoy with a glass of milk, flavored or not. |  | Anton Špes > Oreo Vzameš piškot , zavrtiš ,oblizneš ,namočiš v mleko in poješ , enostavno , ........... | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Shaelynn Stepina > Oreo OMNOMNOMNOM |
 | Clifford Blake > Starbucks I am a Gold Card Customer and I use different sites throughout Illinois, Indiana, mainly inner Chicago,and Southwest Suburbs. I applaud your Customer Service in most of your Stores, the only Store that I found not to be Starbucks orientated is the one located in Countryside Illinois, in the Dominicks Food store on Joliet Road. I would suggest to all fellow Starbucks Customers in this area to use the La Grange Illinois store where you will be taken care of as a Customer..not a ???? |  | Yuri B > Starbucks SB barista made me another EXPRESSO today! (Hint, hint: proper name is Espresso). Starbucks please, please, for the sake of education, train your people to say names of your products correctly. |  | Sarah Paige Vice > Starbucks i absolutley adore the Iced Cafe Mocha along with the Hot Cafe Mocha!!(: |  | Virii Boo Cereziita > Starbucks awwww el starbucks es lo mejor lo amO <3 <3 |  | Christian Scheddarth Collazo > Starbucks Love yah! | 2 people like this. |
|  | Darlene Daniel > Starbucks Quick & Portable. Starbucks Via packets. Would be better if also offered with powdered milk/cream in them. |  | Cece Carr > Starbucks Coffee at Starbucks....Just love it....follow Intl Trade at twitter.com/kcarrco |  | LCJ Media I appreciate Starbucks on a Monday morning hand delivered by Bree Pastalaniec. What a great way to jump start my am. Thanks!!! |  | Mona Love > Starbucks OK so I have bought three Starbucks to/go mugs in 3 different styles at Xmas and all three have gone bad on some level~~~I do not have the receipt but they all say STARBUCKS on them and are obviously your product! YET you will NOT refund or replace without receipt...>>>>>>>>REALLY!!!!????? YOU SUCK at customer service! |  | Tanishia Poleon > Starbucks VANILLA BEAN WITH CARAMEL AND WHIP CREAM MMMMMMMMMMHHHHHMMM YUMMY!!! |  | Tracy Pike Curtis > Starbucks Love the new mini cupcakes...mostly the choc and peanut butter. YUM! |  | Steve Ruth > Starbucks CIA Headquarters has the nicest Starbucks I have ever seen. This Starbucks is enormous with many comfy chairs and tables. It looks as if it belongs in Beverly Hills not off the main corridor of the CIA. |
 | Rafael Nadal To celebrate I'm in the second round after a good match and to thank you for all your support , here goes a vídeo. | Jun 20, 1:49 PM |
 | 547 people like this. |
|  | Rafael Nadal Para celebrar que estoy en segunda ronda, después de un buen partido, y agradeceros el apoyo que me habéis dado, os dejo este vídeo. | Jun 20, 1:42 PM |
 | 2752 people like this. |
|  | Esther Rosario  | Jun 20, 1:42 PM |
|  | Happy Chef Uniforms  | Jun 20, 1:37 PM |
|  | Lady Gaga I cant tell you how much last night meant to me Canada, + all monsters. This week was very intense + reflective. Thanku for supporting me. | 13994 people like this. |
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