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lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

115 New Messages for Mon 6/20 12:00 PM

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Jose Rosario
FriendCarnation Dominicana (Limit 20) Customize
Carnation DominicanaCarnation Dominicana  ¡Mi gente CARNATION! ¿Cómo están? Cuéntennos qué prepararon este fin de semana... Algo nos dice que disfrutaron de unas deliciosas pastas en salsa bechamel y que otros hicieron diferentes recetas con las que deleitaron por el exquisito sabor en cada bocado.
Jun 20, 11:27 AM
9 people like this.
Elizabeth CorreaElizabeth Correa ufff un rico y deelicioso pastelon de papa!!!! rikisimo con el delicioso toque k le da la leche mi faborita en la cocina
Jun 20, 11:41 AM
Arisleiny Docemally Lugo PeraltaArisleiny Docemally Lugo Peralta Use le leche carnation con un jugo de chinola.ummmmm buenísimo!!!!
Jun 20, 11:56 AM
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FriendChivas Dominicana (Limit 20) Customize
Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana pasion por dar a conocer que son nuestra sombrillas cuando llueve evitando que la lluvia carga bruscamente en la tierra y sea arrastradas tapando tuberias, iendo a los rios produciendo innundaciones, roger zyas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:52 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana pasion por dar a conocer que los arboles, son nuestra sombrilla contra el sol ya que cuando el sol esta fuerte y le da a los arboles estos ayudan a refrescar la atmofera, tanto con el movimientos de sus hojas como con el agua que retienen en sus hojas, ramas y tallos, roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:49 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana pasion por dar a conocer, que los arboles son el escudo que nos proteje contra la contaminacion que expiden los vehiculos, roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:47 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana pasion por dar a conocer que los arboles son nuestro escudo protector,contra las fabricas y tiran humo y contaminante a la atmofera. roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:45 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana por que pasion por los arboles, los seres humanos y otros animales, tomamos oxigenos del aire y votamos anhidridos de carbonos los arboles lo toman y devueven un oxigeno puro para que podemaos respirar, roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:42 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana siento pasion por los arboles, por que aparte de dar oxigeno a todos los seres humano SIN OXIGENO NO HAY VIDA, le sirve de hogar a los pajaros para que tengan sus nidos en sus ramas, y otros como el carpintero,, anidan dentro del tronco, roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:39 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana siento pasion por los arboles, es el lapiz que nos acompaña el primer dia de clase y que siempre esta en cada momento de adquirir nuevos conocimientos, roger zyas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:36 AM
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Roger ZayasRoger Zayas  > Chivas Dominicana Aprovechar el retraso del vuelo para postear a favor de Fundación Progressio es lo que llamo Pasión!
Jun 20, 11:35 AM
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Marcelle Nadal QuezadaMarcelle Nadal Quezada PAsion ENCENDIAAAAAAAAAAAAA> FLACO He PA lAnte que vamo a Daleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.Roger Zayas Fundación Progressio
Jun 20, 11:36 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana siento pasion por los arboles, por que nuestro señor jesucristo mostro el acto de amor mas recordado en la historia morir en una cruz de madera Y FUE HECHA DE UN ARBOL, Y LA CRUZ ES EL SIMBOLO DEL CRISTIANISMO, roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:35 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana siento pasion por los arboles pues la primera orden que dios le dios al hombre que no tocaran el arbol roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:31 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana pasion es tener un comportamiento respectuoso cn el medio ambiente, roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:29 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana pasion es luchar por que no se destruyan el ecosistema, roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:29 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana pasion es no exterminar las demas criaturas del universo. roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:27 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana pasion es no contaminar, roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:26 AM
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Jypsis Matos MoraJypsis Matos Mora pasion es proteger, conservar y cuidar. Roger zayas
Jun 20, 11:57 AM
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Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez  > Chivas Dominicana por pasiones muchos sacerdote han colgado sus habitos, roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:25 AM
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Jypsis Matos MoraJypsis Matos Mora muchos se han dejado llevar y actuar dandole riendas sueltas a su apasionamiento por el amor carnal. Roger Zayas
Jun 20, 11:57 AM
Lic Francia Rosario MendezLic Francia Rosario Mendez asi es uno debe controlar las pasiones bajas, por que ellas acaban con muchas ideas y sacrificio en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, roger zayas fundacion progressio.
Jun 20, 11:58 AM
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FriendCoca-Cola (Limit 20) Customize
i 999 motivi per amare l'Italiai 999 motivi per amare l'Italia  > Coca-Cola
i 999 motivi per amare l'Italia
Jun 20, 11:57 AM
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Breanna TrentBreanna Trent  > Coca-Cola Haha I finally got glass bottle coke and a recipe for coca cola chocolate cake!!! HAPPINESS!!!!
Jun 20, 11:56 AM
Chris SmithChris Smith Coca cola chocolate cake?! That sounds like the nicest thing ever!
Jun 20, 11:58 AM
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Kelvin Slider TioKelvin Slider Tio  > Coca-Cola Chinese coca-cola
Jun 20, 11:53 AM
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Joel RamirezJoel Ramirez  > Coca-Cola I'm drinking Dasani water [=
Jun 20, 11:52 AM
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Anders Hostrup DaugbergAnders Hostrup Daugberg  > Coca-Cola JOLLY COLA FTW!
Jun 20, 11:50 AM
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Justin LobbJustin Lobb  > Coca-Cola Coca cola needs to buy Mtn dew, if they did pepsi would have to shut down.
Jun 20, 11:48 AM
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Raphael GuinotRaphael Guinot  > Coca-Cola coca cola is good,pepsi is bad!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 20, 11:47 AM
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El ToñoEl Toño  > Coca-Cola Very good!!
Jun 20, 11:45 AM
1 person likes this.
Carlos AlemanCarlos Aleman yes men i like coca cola!!!!!!!
Jun 20, 11:58 AM
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SparkgraphicsegSparkgraphicseg  > Coca-Cola I love you Coca-Cola my best brand ever :)
Jun 20, 11:45 AM
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Matthew LaneMatthew Lane  > Coca-Cola Pepsi... When there isn't any coke...
Jun 20, 11:44 AM
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Jacob AdamsJacob Adams pespi suxs go coke
Jun 20, 11:55 AM
Sann EllaSann Ella i love cola
Jun 20, 11:57 AM
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Kenzaa KarismatiikKenzaa Karismatiik  > Coca-Cola La meilleure chose qui existe au monde
Jun 20, 11:44 AM
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Flintas LucianFlintas Lucian  > Coca-Cola I like CocaCola ---- I love CocaCola---
Jun 20, 11:41 AM
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HoJin LeeHoJin Lee  > Coca-Cola Only we know whats difference between coke and pepsi???...why the hell some people bring pepsi when i order coke???
Jun 20, 11:40 AM
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Brandon SimmonsBrandon Simmons  > Coca-Cola In my hous it's world war 3 over the last coca cola
Jun 20, 11:39 AM
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Krasimira NaydenovaKrasimira Naydenova  > Coca-Cola super
Jun 20, 11:38 AM
Elena KondakchievaElena Kondakchieva ee aman ot tvoq narkotik....
Jun 20, 11:56 AM
Krasimira NaydenovaKrasimira Naydenova daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Jun 20, 11:57 AM
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Thierry BolawkaThierry Bolawka  > Coca-Cola je recherche des collectioneurs en haute vienne pour échanges ou achats d'objets coca cola
Jun 20, 11:34 AM
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Ariel QuatranoAriel Quatrano  > Coca-Cola coca-cola lo mejor...
Jun 20, 11:34 AM
What's on your mind ? Share it through the world.What's on your mind ? Share it through the world. <--
Jun 20, 11:48 AM
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Julio Springees'z BassaJulio Springees'z Bassa  > Coca-Cola Good life!hhaaaah!
Jun 20, 11:27 AM
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Mozelle SpaughMozelle Spaugh  > Coca-Cola Mozelle, loves coke products!!!!
Jun 20, 11:24 AM
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Vijaya BhaskarVijaya Bhaskar  > Coca-Cola cant resist having u. ❤ u so much :)
Jun 20, 11:23 AM
A rubix cube is like a dick, the longer you play with it the harder it getsA rubix cube is like a dick, the longer you play with it the harder it gets!/pages/A-rubix-cube-is-like-a-dick-the-longer-you-play-with-it-the-harder-it-gets/206463359397467'
Jun 20, 11:43 AM
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FriendEmbajada USA - Santo Domingo (Limit 20) Customize
Embajada USA - Santo DomingoEmbajada USA - Santo Domingo  RECORDATORIO Sesión informativa de grupo Día JUEVES 30 DE JUNIO a las 3:30PM. Lugar: Instituto Cultural Dominico Americano EducationUSA Departamento ECO, edificio A primer piso. Ave. Abraham Lincoln # 21. Santo Domingo. Tema: Que debo saber para obtener la Visa de Estudiante: proceso y regulaciones. Entrada GRATIS
Jun 20, 11:40 AM
7 people like this.
Martha OjedaMartha Ojeda muy bueno y interesante good
Jun 20, 11:47 AM
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FriendGoogle (Limit 20) Customize
Andrew MartinezAndrew Martinez  > Google My name is jenny. I am 16 years old and have dark blonde hair. NOW THAT YOU HAVE STARTED READING YOU MAY NOT STOP!! I was murdered july 14th with my fathers shotgun ........ And butcher knife. If You dont post this on 20 other pages i will come to Your house in the middle of the night and kill You with my fathers shotgun and butcher k..........................................nife. You have 5 hours to complete this task. Dont believe me - maria marshall, pelham, texas 1998, was showing and went to bed right after found dead the next morning. - keisha jones, nashville, tennesee 1995, fell asleep while watching television and mother heard gunshot and scream found laying on floor next morning. - omar wilkionsin 2002, reading a book to go to bed and was shot and stabbed through the book after he fell asleep. Still dont believe me? Message
Jun 20, 11:56 AM
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Dan GrayDan Gray  > Google Dear Google, please learn and understand what the word Application means, before deciding to make more "Apps" for Chrome which are hyperlinks.
Jun 20, 11:53 AM
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Mitzie NuñalMitzie Nuñal  > Google Lean and Fab - The Best Way To Lose Weight Please visit our website: Lean and Fab - All natural, safe and effective weight loss management product Breaks down fat Burns Fat Suppresses appetite Block extra calorie absorption Increases lean body mass Enhances nutrient absorption
Jun 20, 11:47 AM
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Ibrahim NagiebIbrahim Nagieb  > Google  URGENT CALL Dear Friends, I need your support to vote to me in RENAULT Company Competition, I need your help to win a car, just find this link: you will see my photo and easily make ((Like)) it will take only one second I will be glad and appreciate for your participation and hope to see your ((Likes)) shown in my list specially with in Top 30.
Jun 20, 11:44 AM
1 person likes this.
Ibrahim NagiebIbrahim Nagieb Hope to have your support
Jun 20, 11:45 AM
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HELLO IMPRESAHELLO IMPRESA  Google: "Io sul web" invierà al suo fruitore delle notifiche via e-mail che riguardano la presenza del suo nominativo all'interno della grande rete.
Google lancia 'Me on the web' per proteggere la privacy
Google ha lanciato il servizio Me on the web, uno strumento nuovo che consente a chiunque con un account Google di monitorare quali informazioni personali appaiono su di lui online. Questo strumento consentirà agli utenti di creare avvisi tramite posta elettronica, che saranno inviati non appena l'i...
Jun 20, 11:43 AM
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Muzaffar KcreativezMuzaffar Kcreativez  > Google  Y pay for skill development when you can develop it free- join us today and learn from more then 700 people
Jun 20, 11:38 AM
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Herman SohHerman Soh  > Google Google News and Social Awareness Help spread word of inhumane acts against livestock in Indonesia Warning: Deeply Upsetting scenes of animal cruelty World in shock over Appalling Footage of Inhumane Acts of Animal Cruelty in Indonesia. Update: Suspension on Live Stock Trade may be lifted earlier than expected
Jun 20, 11:29 AM
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Larry NortonLarry Norton  > Google 10When will GDS be fixed to index outlook emails in office 10?
Jun 20, 11:17 AM
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Marketing Training SeminarsMarketing Training Seminars  Will you be joining us for tonight's Google marketing training seminar at University Settlement Society of New York on the Lower East Side, Manhattan? Tickets are only $70, and you get $50 to use on Google AdWords!
Google Seminar - University Settlement - June 20th 2011
Do you want to learn how to effectively promote your business online? Then why not attend Google Seminars? Google 101 Find out more about Google's products and services. In this seminar we will cover: · Facts about Google · Search Engine Anatomy · Search Engine Opt
Jun 20, 11:13 AM
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Jamie LingJamie Ling  > Google
Jun 20, 11:10 AM
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Stevie SmallsStevie Smalls  > Google Like it ;)
Jun 20, 11:07 AM
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EnlightenmentEnlightenment  > Google "Worry about your character, not your reputation because your character is who you ` are & your reputation is what people think you are."-Donnita Sharp
Jun 20, 11:04 AM
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Karzan Mojarrad KabirianKarzan Mojarrad Kabirian  > Google ok
Jun 20, 11:02 AM
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FriendGossip Girl (Limit 20) Customize
Papa NdaoPapa Ndao  > Gossip Girl Serena et dane: un couple merveilleux
Jun 20, 11:25 AM
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FriendHonda (Limit 20) Customize
Craig GibsonCraig Gibson  > Honda hillside honda in jamaica thanks joel for your help and making my visit a pleasent one and getting my problem solved
Jun 20, 11:54 AM
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Automotive Specialists, LLC on Oregon St in OshkoshAutomotive Specialists, LLC on Oregon St in Oshkosh  > Honda Honda!
Jun 20, 11:53 AM
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FriendiTunes (Limit 20) Customize
Hossam EldinHossam Eldin  > iTunes mgharba 3alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
فضــيحة أسـماء المنوّر .. حصريّا ً
خطر .. صوروها و هي كتبدل حوايجها
durée 2:33
Jun 20, 11:56 AM
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Annie HuberAnnie Huber  > iTunes My name is Jenny.I am 16 years old and have dark blonde hair. NOW THAT YOU HAVE STARTED READING YOU MAY NOT STOP!! I was murdered on July 14th with my fathers shotgun and butcher knife. If you do not post this on 20 other pages i will come to your house in the middle of the night and kill you with my fathers shotgun and butcher knife. You................................................ have 5 hours to complete this task. don't believe me, -Maria Marshall, Pelham ,Texas 1998, Was showering and went to bed right after,found dead the next morning -Keisha Jones, Nashville ,Tennesee 1995, fell asleep while watching television and mother heard gunshot and scream, found next morning lying on the floor -Omar Wilkionsin,Miwaukee ,Wisconsin 2002, reading a book to go to bed and was shot and stabbed through the book after he fell asleep. still don't believe me
Jun 20, 11:51 AM
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Sven TorstenssonSven Torstensson  > iTunes någon som har iTunes som har fåt pengar från ett anat land hjälp mig??
Jun 20, 11:36 AM
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Francis van DongenFrancis van Dongen  > iTunes If i order an iMac 21.5" standard with no modifications made, how long will it take to deliver ? Thanks
Jun 20, 11:11 AM
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FriendLady Gaga (Limit 20) Customize
Ilove skyrockIlove skyrock  > Lady Gaga 
Classement Top-100 RAP
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Jun 20, 11:58 AM
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I'm a Little Mons†erI'm a Little Mons†er  > Lady Gaga 
I'm a Little Mons†er
Jun 20, 11:58 AM
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Ilove skyrockIlove skyrock  > Lady Gaga 
Classement Top-100 RAP
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Jun 20, 11:58 AM
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Alexandra AgiusAlexandra Agius  > Lady Gaga i am a big fan :)
Jun 20, 11:58 AM
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Ilove skyrockIlove skyrock  > Lady Gaga 
Classement Top-100 RAP
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Jun 20, 11:58 AM
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Haus of GagaHaus of Gaga  Lady Gaga
Perform This Way (Parody of "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga)
Music video by "Weird Al" Yankovic performing Perform This Way (Parody of "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga). (C) 2011 Volcano Entertainment III, LLC, a unit of S...
Jun 20, 11:57 AM
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Adi IrahettaAdi Irahetta  > Lady Gaga Scare
Jun 20, 11:56 AM
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Heriberto Regalado DelgadilloHeriberto Regalado Delgadillo  > Lady Gaga hola como estas cuando vienes para torreon coahulila
Jun 20, 11:56 AM
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Drizzy DrakeDrizzy Drake  > Lady Gaga 
Drizzy Drake
First off grab one of our HQ Free Drake Wallpapers! Now Before we get into Aubrey Drake Graham's Biography we have compiled a short list of the most popular looked for Drake information. Instead of having to wander around aimlessly through our Drake blog, how about starting here so you can get the 411 on what everyone loves about Drake. Below is a list of the top looked for Drake information: A lot of fans wanted to know 10 Girls Drake Has Allegedly Dated. Also have you ever wonder why you were a Drake fan? Try checking out what fans said about You Know Your A Drake Fan When. Finding some tour dates sometimes is hard, so why not view the official Where To Find Drake's Tour Schedule. If you like all of Drake mixtapes, then you'll love the collection of official and DJ produced Drake Mixtapes. Once you get all the downloads you want to satisfy your Drake fix, check A List Of All Drake's Lyrics. Drake is always making some killer music videos, fans love to watch All Drake's Music Videos. If all you want to do is find 1,000's of pictures of Drake because your totally in love with him, then check out this HUGE collection of Drake Pictures and Photos. In the end if you just want to kick back and listen to some Drizzy tunes, Listen To Drake Radio. :) Aubrey Drake Graham (born October 24, 1986) is a Canadian actor, rapper and singer. He is best known for playing Jimmy Brooks, the physically disabled character on Degrassi: The Next Generation. As a rapper, he performs under the mononym Drake, and is often billed as the new version of The Fresh Prince. After rumours of signing with Young Money Entertainment, it was later confirmed that Drake is only affiliated with the label, and he is currently signed to Cash Money and Universal Motown Records. He is managed by Hip Hop Since 1978. Drake's Early life and career Drake was born in Toronto, Ontario, the son of Dennis Graham, a drummer who worked with Jerry Lee Lewis; his uncle is musician Teenie Hodges. His father is African American (a native of Memphis, Tennessee) and his mother is a white Jewish Canadian. His parents divorced when he was five, and he was raised by his mother in Toronto's wealthy Forest Hill neighbourhood,[9] attending elementary school at Forest Hill Public School, and high school at Forest Hill Collegiate Institute, where he began acting. He also spent many summers with his father in Memphis. Drake's Acting career In 2001, Graham began his acting career, playing the role of Jimmy Brooks, a character on Degrassi: The Next Generation. His role on the show ended in 2009, when producers cut the entire Degrassi staff for a new group of actors. Drake's Music career Drake and Birdman In February 2006, Drake released his first mixtape Room for Improvement. It was made available via his website and official MySpace page. From the success of his first mixtape, he later began releasing more, capitalizing from the buzz. In 2007, he released Comeback Season to much critical acclaim and praise. It was from here on where Graham started gaining popularity when he did his first song with Lil Wayne, a remix of the already popular song "Man of the Year" which Wayne didn't rap in but had ad-libs in the end of the song. In 2008, he released Heartbreak Drake, yet again a popular release and gaining more acclaim and buzz for the artist. So Far Gone, which included Drake's mentor Lil Wayne, and members of Young Money, was released in 2009. Also in 2007, Graham became the first unsigned Canadian rapper to have his music video featured on BET when his first single, "Replacement Girl" was featured as the "Joint of the Day" in April 2007. While working on his mixtapes and his album, Drake has worked with Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Trey Songz, Robin Thicke, Little Brother, Mary J. Blige, and Jamie Foxx. Drake has also written for Jazz Cartier, Bishop Brigante and Dr. Dre. He has achieved this success without even signing to a major record label, according to his management Hip Hop Since 1978. In June 2009, it was revealed that an unauthorized album entitled The Girls Love Drake and credited to Drake was up for sale on iTunes. A lawsuit is planned against the label. On the Billboard Hot 100 chart of July 4, 2009, both "Best I Ever Had" and "Every Girl" by Young Money Entertainment (a supergroup that includes Drake) entered the top ten at positions 3 and 10 respectively. Drake is only the second artist to have his first two top ten hits in the same week. The first was fellow Canadian Nelly Furtado who entered the top ten in 2001 with "I'm Like A Bird" the same week as Missy Elliott's "Get Ur Freak On", a remix of which included a credited contribution from Furtado. Should "Best I Ever Had" reach the #1 position, Drake could be only the second artist to have a #1 single without having a recording contract. The first was Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories with "Stay (I Missed You)" in 1993. On June 29, 2009 it was confirmed Drake signed a record deal with Cash Money/Universal/Motown, which was considered "one of the biggest bidding wars ever". He plans to release his official debut album, Thank Me Later, in late 2009, and has confirmed collaborations with the likes of Kanye West, Jay-Z, and Lil Wayne. So Far Gone February 13, 2009, Drake Graham released his third official mixtape title "So Far Gone". The mixtape went for free download on his blog site which featured Drizzy's mentor Weezy, Bun B, Omarion, Llyod and his friend, Trey Songz. It received well over 2,000 downloads in the first 2 hours of release. This mixtape was extremely successful in the underground rap industry and eventually made its way to radio stations across the nation. Due to the success of mixtape's two singles, "Best I Ever Had" and "Successful", it was released as an EP featuring only five songs from the from the original mixtape and included one new song. MTV named "So Far Gone" the hottest mixtape of 2009. Since the release of "So Far Gone" Drake has worked with DJ Khaled, Young Money, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Eminem, Young Jeezy, Mary J. Blige, Timbaland, Birdman, Trey Songz, and Jamie Foxx. Drake has also written for Jazz Cartier, Bishop Brigante, Alicia Keys, and Dr. Dre. He achieved success before signing to a major record label, according to his management Hip Hop Since 1978. In June 2009, it was revealed that an unauthorized album entitled The Girls Love Drake and credited to Graham was up for sale on iTunes. A lawsuit was planned against the label. On the Billboard Hot 100 chart of July 4, 2009, both "Best I Ever Had", and "Every Girl" by Young Money Entertainment entered the top ten at positions 3 and 10 respectively. Graham is only the second artist to have his first two top ten hits in the same week. The first was fellow Canadian Nelly Furtado who entered the top ten in 2001 with "I'm Like A Bird" the same week as Missy Elliott's "Get Ur Freak On", a remix of which included a credited contribution from Furtado. On June 29, 2009, it was confirmed, that Graham signed a record deal with Young Money Entertainment. This followed what Billboard purported to be "one of the biggest bidding wars ever". Graham toured with Wayne and other rap artists on the America's Most Wanted Tour. On July 31, 2009, Graham, who was performing on an already injured knee, fell on stage while performing "Best I Ever Had", with Lil Wayne in Camden, New Jersey. Graham underwent surgery on September 8, 2009 for a torn anterior cruciate ligament in his knee. He was currently undergoing rehabilitation and was able to walk. On September 15, 2009, So Far Gone was released as a seven-track EP in which five of the tracks were from the original mixtape. It debuted at No. 6 on the Billboard 200. Since then the album was certified gold by the RIAA with over 500,000 copies sold in the United States. On April 18, 2010, the album won Rap Recording of the Year at the 2010 Juno Awards. Thank Me Later Graham planned to release his official debut album, Thank Me Later, in late 2009, but the album's release date was postponed, first to March 2010, then May 25, 2010. Universal Motown then stated the album had been pushed back three weeks for a June 15, 2010 release. The album has confirmed collaborations with the likes of Kanye West, Jay-Z and Lil Wayne. On March 9, 2010, Graham released the first single from his Thank Me Later album, also known as "Over". It reached No. 14 on the Hot 100. On March 12, 2010, a version of K'naan's "Wavin' Flag" recorded by a collective of Canadian musicians known as Young Artists for Haiti was released. Graham is featured in the song, performing a solo verse near the end of the song. On April 29, 2010, it was announced that Graham had finished Thank Me Later. According to reports, Graham announced the completion of the album to a crowd during his April 26, 2010, show at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. His camp has since confirmed that Drake was finished with the final track to the album and the next single from the album would be titled "Find Your Love". "Find Your Love" was released as the second single on May 5, 2010, and has become the most successful single from the album, as it has reached No. 8 on the Hot 100, becoming the most successful single from the album to date. The third single from the album, "Miss Me", featuring Lil Wayne, was released on June 1, 2010. It has reached No. 15 on the Hot 100. On June 15, 25,000 fans gathered at New York's South Street Seaport for a free concert by Drake and Hanson. A near riot ensued after police canceled the show due to over-flowing crowds. The album, Thank Me Later, was finally released on June 15, 2010. Drake collaborated with artists such as Alicia Keys, Nicki Minaj, T.I. and Lil Wayne to create the album. The record sold 447,000 records in its first week, reaching No. 1 on the Billboard 200, and becoming his first release to do so. Due to his first week sales, Graham had sold the most records for any hip hop artist in one week in 2010, until Eminem easily passed that mark a week later. Drake hosted the first annual Ovo (October's Very Own) Festival. In that festival he brought out the VIP list of rap stars including: Jay-Z, Eminem, Rick Ross, Young Jeezy, Bun B and Fabolous. Drake's Personal life Interview MagazineIn 2008, Drake spoke about his past relationship with Keshia Chanté on the second verse of his song "Deceiving", referencing Chanté's mother, Tessa, stating "when I say I'm serious, you claim your only teasing" and "What up Tessa? I love you like my own mama, and your daughters getting grown mama, and me, I'm just here working, waiting, patient for her to be ready for love and leave alone drama" In May 2009, Drake finally speaks with MuchMusic about his song "Deceiving" and addressed speculation of his past relationship with Chante, "Would I call Keshia Chante an ex? I'd be proud to say she is an ex. I'm proud to say we had our time, when we were, like 16 years old. She's great. She's one of the first people in the industry that I met, we just connected." In June 2009, Drake did two remixes to Chante's song "Fallen" where he addresses his love for her, on Version 1 he raps "Keshia, Keshia, do you remember the old us? They said we'd never be together that's what they told us. Immature kids, to entrepreneur kids." then on Version 2, he raps "you just hold it down for your boy until the plaques arrive, that's why I love you."
Jun 20, 11:56 AM
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Gianpaul DimassaGianpaul Dimassa  > Lady Gaga say your name ten times. 2. say your mom's............ name five times. ..................... 3. say your crushes three times .................................................................. 4. paste this to four other groups. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday. But if you read this and do not paste this, then you will have very bad luck. SEND THIS TO 5 GROUPS IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOU'RE DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSH'S NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS ON THE SCREEN. THIS IS SO FREAKY BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY HAPPENSS
Jun 20, 11:55 AM
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Alexandra AgiusAlexandra Agius  > Lady Gaga i am a big fan :)
Jun 20, 11:55 AM
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Marlena FijałkowskaMarlena Fijałkowska  > Lady Gaga A like you < 33.
Jun 20, 11:55 AM
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Ilove skyrockIlove skyrock  > Lady Gaga 
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Jun 20, 11:53 AM
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Luiggy's C. ReyesLuiggy's C. Reyes  > Lady Gaga i love gaga!!!! :')
Jun 20, 11:53 AM
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Ilove skyrockIlove skyrock  > Lady Gaga 
Classement Top-100 RAP
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Jun 20, 11:53 AM
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Anabella Johana Baridon DacalAnabella Johana Baridon Dacal  > Lady Gaga ♥Judaaas Gaga
Jun 20, 11:53 AM
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Drizzy DrakeDrizzy Drake  > Lady Gaga 
Drizzy Drake
First off grab one of our HQ Free Drake Wallpapers! Now Before we get into Aubrey Drake Graham's Biography we have compiled a short list of the most popular looked for Drake information. Instead of having to wander around aimlessly through our Drake blog, how about starting here so you can get the 411 on what everyone loves about Drake. Below is a list of the top looked for Drake information: A lot of fans wanted to know 10 Girls Drake Has Allegedly Dated. Also have you ever wonder why you were a Drake fan? Try checking out what fans said about You Know Your A Drake Fan When. Finding some tour dates sometimes is hard, so why not view the official Where To Find Drake's Tour Schedule. If you like all of Drake mixtapes, then you'll love the collection of official and DJ produced Drake Mixtapes. Once you get all the downloads you want to satisfy your Drake fix, check A List Of All Drake's Lyrics. Drake is always making some killer music videos, fans love to watch All Drake's Music Videos. If all you want to do is find 1,000's of pictures of Drake because your totally in love with him, then check out this HUGE collection of Drake Pictures and Photos. In the end if you just want to kick back and listen to some Drizzy tunes, Listen To Drake Radio. :) Aubrey Drake Graham (born October 24, 1986) is a Canadian actor, rapper and singer. He is best known for playing Jimmy Brooks, the physically disabled character on Degrassi: The Next Generation. As a rapper, he performs under the mononym Drake, and is often billed as the new version of The Fresh Prince. After rumours of signing with Young Money Entertainment, it was later confirmed that Drake is only affiliated with the label, and he is currently signed to Cash Money and Universal Motown Records. He is managed by Hip Hop Since 1978. Drake's Early life and career Drake was born in Toronto, Ontario, the son of Dennis Graham, a drummer who worked with Jerry Lee Lewis; his uncle is musician Teenie Hodges. His father is African American (a native of Memphis, Tennessee) and his mother is a white Jewish Canadian. His parents divorced when he was five, and he was raised by his mother in Toronto's wealthy Forest Hill neighbourhood,[9] attending elementary school at Forest Hill Public School, and high school at Forest Hill Collegiate Institute, where he began acting. He also spent many summers with his father in Memphis. Drake's Acting career In 2001, Graham began his acting career, playing the role of Jimmy Brooks, a character on Degrassi: The Next Generation. His role on the show ended in 2009, when producers cut the entire Degrassi staff for a new group of actors. Drake's Music career Drake and Birdman In February 2006, Drake released his first mixtape Room for Improvement. It was made available via his website and official MySpace page. From the success of his first mixtape, he later began releasing more, capitalizing from the buzz. In 2007, he released Comeback Season to much critical acclaim and praise. It was from here on where Graham started gaining popularity when he did his first song with Lil Wayne, a remix of the already popular song "Man of the Year" which Wayne didn't rap in but had ad-libs in the end of the song. In 2008, he released Heartbreak Drake, yet again a popular release and gaining more acclaim and buzz for the artist. So Far Gone, which included Drake's mentor Lil Wayne, and members of Young Money, was released in 2009. Also in 2007, Graham became the first unsigned Canadian rapper to have his music video featured on BET when his first single, "Replacement Girl" was featured as the "Joint of the Day" in April 2007. While working on his mixtapes and his album, Drake has worked with Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Trey Songz, Robin Thicke, Little Brother, Mary J. Blige, and Jamie Foxx. Drake has also written for Jazz Cartier, Bishop Brigante and Dr. Dre. He has achieved this success without even signing to a major record label, according to his management Hip Hop Since 1978. In June 2009, it was revealed that an unauthorized album entitled The Girls Love Drake and credited to Drake was up for sale on iTunes. A lawsuit is planned against the label. On the Billboard Hot 100 chart of July 4, 2009, both "Best I Ever Had" and "Every Girl" by Young Money Entertainment (a supergroup that includes Drake) entered the top ten at positions 3 and 10 respectively. Drake is only the second artist to have his first two top ten hits in the same week. The first was fellow Canadian Nelly Furtado who entered the top ten in 2001 with "I'm Like A Bird" the same week as Missy Elliott's "Get Ur Freak On", a remix of which included a credited contribution from Furtado. Should "Best I Ever Had" reach the #1 position, Drake could be only the second artist to have a #1 single without having a recording contract. The first was Lisa Loeb and Nine Stories with "Stay (I Missed You)" in 1993. On June 29, 2009 it was confirmed Drake signed a record deal with Cash Money/Universal/Motown, which was considered "one of the biggest bidding wars ever". He plans to release his official debut album, Thank Me Later, in late 2009, and has confirmed collaborations with the likes of Kanye West, Jay-Z, and Lil Wayne. So Far Gone February 13, 2009, Drake Graham released his third official mixtape title "So Far Gone". The mixtape went for free download on his blog site which featured Drizzy's mentor Weezy, Bun B, Omarion, Llyod and his friend, Trey Songz. It received well over 2,000 downloads in the first 2 hours of release. This mixtape was extremely successful in the underground rap industry and eventually made its way to radio stations across the nation. Due to the success of mixtape's two singles, "Best I Ever Had" and "Successful", it was released as an EP featuring only five songs from the from the original mixtape and included one new song. MTV named "So Far Gone" the hottest mixtape of 2009. Since the release of "So Far Gone" Drake has worked with DJ Khaled, Young Money, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Eminem, Young Jeezy, Mary J. Blige, Timbaland, Birdman, Trey Songz, and Jamie Foxx. Drake has also written for Jazz Cartier, Bishop Brigante, Alicia Keys, and Dr. Dre. He achieved success before signing to a major record label, according to his management Hip Hop Since 1978. In June 2009, it was revealed that an unauthorized album entitled The Girls Love Drake and credited to Graham was up for sale on iTunes. A lawsuit was planned against the label. On the Billboard Hot 100 chart of July 4, 2009, both "Best I Ever Had", and "Every Girl" by Young Money Entertainment entered the top ten at positions 3 and 10 respectively. Graham is only the second artist to have his first two top ten hits in the same week. The first was fellow Canadian Nelly Furtado who entered the top ten in 2001 with "I'm Like A Bird" the same week as Missy Elliott's "Get Ur Freak On", a remix of which included a credited contribution from Furtado. On June 29, 2009, it was confirmed, that Graham signed a record deal with Young Money Entertainment. This followed what Billboard purported to be "one of the biggest bidding wars ever". Graham toured with Wayne and other rap artists on the America's Most Wanted Tour. On July 31, 2009, Graham, who was performing on an already injured knee, fell on stage while performing "Best I Ever Had", with Lil Wayne in Camden, New Jersey. Graham underwent surgery on September 8, 2009 for a torn anterior cruciate ligament in his knee. He was currently undergoing rehabilitation and was able to walk. On September 15, 2009, So Far Gone was released as a seven-track EP in which five of the tracks were from the original mixtape. It debuted at No. 6 on the Billboard 200. Since then the album was certified gold by the RIAA with over 500,000 copies sold in the United States. On April 18, 2010, the album won Rap Recording of the Year at the 2010 Juno Awards. Thank Me Later Graham planned to release his official debut album, Thank Me Later, in late 2009, but the album's release date was postponed, first to March 2010, then May 25, 2010. Universal Motown then stated the album had been pushed back three weeks for a June 15, 2010 release. The album has confirmed collaborations with the likes of Kanye West, Jay-Z and Lil Wayne. On March 9, 2010, Graham released the first single from his Thank Me Later album, also known as "Over". It reached No. 14 on the Hot 100. On March 12, 2010, a version of K'naan's "Wavin' Flag" recorded by a collective of Canadian musicians known as Young Artists for Haiti was released. Graham is featured in the song, performing a solo verse near the end of the song. On April 29, 2010, it was announced that Graham had finished Thank Me Later. According to reports, Graham announced the completion of the album to a crowd during his April 26, 2010, show at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. His camp has since confirmed that Drake was finished with the final track to the album and the next single from the album would be titled "Find Your Love". "Find Your Love" was released as the second single on May 5, 2010, and has become the most successful single from the album, as it has reached No. 8 on the Hot 100, becoming the most successful single from the album to date. The third single from the album, "Miss Me", featuring Lil Wayne, was released on June 1, 2010. It has reached No. 15 on the Hot 100. On June 15, 25,000 fans gathered at New York's South Street Seaport for a free concert by Drake and Hanson. A near riot ensued after police canceled the show due to over-flowing crowds. The album, Thank Me Later, was finally released on June 15, 2010. Drake collaborated with artists such as Alicia Keys, Nicki Minaj, T.I. and Lil Wayne to create the album. The record sold 447,000 records in its first week, reaching No. 1 on the Billboard 200, and becoming his first release to do so. Due to his first week sales, Graham had sold the most records for any hip hop artist in one week in 2010, until Eminem easily passed that mark a week later. Drake hosted the first annual Ovo (October's Very Own) Festival. In that festival he brought out the VIP list of rap stars including: Jay-Z, Eminem, Rick Ross, Young Jeezy, Bun B and Fabolous. Drake's Personal life Interview MagazineIn 2008, Drake spoke about his past relationship with Keshia Chanté on the second verse of his song "Deceiving", referencing Chanté's mother, Tessa, stating "when I say I'm serious, you claim your only teasing" and "What up Tessa? I love you like my own mama, and your daughters getting grown mama, and me, I'm just here working, waiting, patient for her to be ready for love and leave alone drama" In May 2009, Drake finally speaks with MuchMusic about his song "Deceiving" and addressed speculation of his past relationship with Chante, "Would I call Keshia Chante an ex? I'd be proud to say she is an ex. I'm proud to say we had our time, when we were, like 16 years old. She's great. She's one of the first people in the industry that I met, we just connected." In June 2009, Drake did two remixes to Chante's song "Fallen" where he addresses his love for her, on Version 1 he raps "Keshia, Keshia, do you remember the old us? They said we'd never be together that's what they told us. Immature kids, to entrepreneur kids." then on Version 2, he raps "you just hold it down for your boy until the plaques arrive, that's why I love you."
Jun 20, 11:52 AM
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Alex AmorAlex Amor  > Lady Gaga O POR DIOS ME FACINA
Jun 20, 11:52 AM
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Play That Song.Play That Song.  lo voglio nel video di Americano Lady Gaga ahahahh
El willy
mirad lo que le an enseñao a mi wily
Jun 20, 11:51 AM
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Martin StanyerMartin Stanyer  > Lady Gaga bought the album and i love it a great piece of work and im a complete metal head so this realy is a change for me but fantastic inspirational
Jun 20, 11:50 AM
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FriendMTV (Limit 20) Customize
MTVMTV  We're deeply saddened by the passing of a member of the MTV family, Ryan Dunn. Our hearts and thoughts are with his friends and family.
'Jackass' Star Ryan Dunn Dead At 34 - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV
"Jackass" star Ryan Dunn has died in a car crash at age 34, MTV News confirmed on Monday (June 20).
Jun 20, 11:32 AM
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FriendOreo (Limit 20) Customize
Go Momma CouponsGo Momma Coupons  > Oreo I love Double Stuffed Oreos!!
Jun 20, 11:54 AM
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Joshua BestJoshua Best  > Oreo Personally I prefer to just eat an oreo as it is.
Jun 20, 11:08 AM
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FriendStarbucks (Limit 20) Customize
Premier League Transfer NewsPremier League Transfer News  > Starbucks please join our page everyone
Jun 20, 11:56 AM
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Catherine FreelandCatherine Freeland  > Starbucks 
What would be your reaction if there were no more Starbucks in the world?
noooooooooooooooo i am going to die
Jun 20, 11:54 AM
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Laurel Wirtanen-SiloyLaurel Wirtanen-Siloy  > Starbucks Can I just say how much I love you Starbucks. Not just for your good coffee, but because of your position on corporate responsibility with the places you get your coffee from ... that is really the deciding factor for me. I laud you for your transperncies with this process as well. Another coffee place by me- I contacted them three times and never got a response, nor do they have their position on their website. Needless to say I will never purchase coffee from them.
Jun 20, 11:49 AM
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Catherine ScarboroCatherine Scarboro  > Starbucks You need to put a starbucks in Clover/Lake Wylie, SC. The nearest one is 30 minutes from my house!! There also isn't a coffee shop anywhere close to that area so they would do great business!!!
Jun 20, 11:42 AM
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Danny SparksDanny Sparks  > Starbucks Java chip !
Jun 20, 11:41 AM
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Cindy NazarioCindy Nazario  > Starbucks There should be a Starbucks in Nicolas Romero,MX
Jun 20, 11:38 AM
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Nicola SaccoNicola Sacco  > Starbucks Starbucks reminds me my trip to NY!!!
Jun 20, 11:35 AM
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Nicola SaccoNicola Sacco u2?
Jun 20, 11:50 AM
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Krystal EstradaKrystal Estrada  > Starbucks i love starbucks!!!!!!
Jun 20, 11:26 AM
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Charlie CorpuzCharlie Corpuz  > Starbucks i love sb
Jun 20, 11:23 AM
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Beatriz-Julian GermanBeatriz-Julian German  > Starbucks i love starbucks i love my strwberries n cream frapp venti
Jun 20, 11:18 AM
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Priscilla BritoPriscilla Brito  > Starbucks Salted caramel hot drink ever....
Jun 20, 11:17 AM
Eileen CroweEileen Crowe They need to rename it "Snicker's hot chocolate
Jun 20, 11:42 AM
Priscilla BritoPriscilla Brito Yummy
Jun 20, 11:54 AM
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Jun 20, 11:02 AM
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EnlightenmentEnlightenment  > Starbucks "Worry about your character, not your reputation because your character is who you ` are & your reputation is what people think you are."-Donnita Sharp
Jun 20, 11:01 AM
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Carolina EscarenoCarolina Escareno  > Starbucks I want you so bad!
Jun 20, 11:01 AM
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Archie LowtherArchie Lowther  > Starbucks were can i get a starbucks mug? i really want one
Jun 20, 10:57 AM
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FriendThe New York Times (Limit 20) Customize
The New York TimesThe New York Times  The Supreme Court on Monday threw out the largest employment discrimination case in the nation's history.
Justices Rule for Wal-Mart in Bias Case
The Supreme Court on Monday ruled unanimously for Wal-Mart in its fight to block a massive sex discrimination lawsuit on behalf of female employees
Jun 20, 11:41 AM
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Omayra RamirezOmayra Ramirez  Lonelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[HD] Lonely - 2NE1 (sub esp)
Con ésta canción me pasó lo mismo con Baby don´t cry, desde el primer momento que la escuché me fascinó. Espero que a ustedes también les guste =D No puedo e...
Jun 20, 11:47 AM
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Katty Elizabeth BencosmeKatty Elizabeth Bencosme  Ipad 1, 32GB, Nuevo Milton Lora Alfio Lora LaClave Hector Cruz
Ipad 1, 32 GB, nuevo - US$ 400.00 - en
Ipad 1, 32 GB, nuevo - US$ 400.00 - en
Jun 20, 11:31 AM
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Jose LeocadioJose Leocadio  jajajajajaajajajjajajajajajajajajajajaja
Jun 20, 11:17 AM
Katty de los SantosKatty de los Santos y entonces?
Jun 20, 11:33 AM
Modesto SantanaModesto Santana siempre en risa, por eso te admiro men
Jun 20, 11:45 AM
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Omayra RamirezOmayra Ramirez  ......hello..goodbye!!!!
F.T. Island - Hello Hello live (Sub Español).
Jun 20, 11:13 AM
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