 | Pamela López Reynoso > Chivas Dominicana No por miedo a errar, vas a dejar de intentar ;) Por Roger Zayas... |  | Chivas Dominicana Buenas Noches Nuevos Caballeros, que sigan viviendo la pasión y recordándola a cada momento respetando siempre su impacto en terceros | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Chivas Dominicana Conversando de la pasión por la luna en Twitter GabrielRiv Gabriel Rivera Una de mis #ChivasPasion es estar sentado en el techo de la casa con esa persona que mas amas @ChivasRD Twitpic: twitpic.com/4ba00i | Once in a SuperMoon on Twitpic twitpic.com Click anywhere on the image to tag someone, then fill in their name and/or Twitter username. When finished tagging face, remember to click the Done Tagging button below or else your changes will not be saved! |
 | Jun 19, 11:29 PM |
 | 4 people like this. |
|  | Emma Carolina Fernandez-Albert La luna está acusada una y mil veces de muchas pasiones desenfrenadas. @icoabreu #chivaspasion en favor de la Fundación Vida Azul
Jun 19, 11:32 PM |
|  | Marisol Valerio Heredia > Chivas Dominicana alabemos con pasion a Dios quien suple todas nuestras necesidades en espiritu, alma y cuerpo x F. Progressio x Roger Zayas | 6 people like this. |
|  | Marianne Meyreles de Infante > Chivas Dominicana Esa sonrisa cautivadora, llena de picardia y entusiasmo es lo que me hace ser una esposa y madre apasionada...Amo a mi pequeña familia!!! | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Emma Carolina Fernandez-Albert Una familia que se apasiona por la formación de sus hijos se asegura que los valores sean parte de su marca personal" ECF-A @icoabreu #chivaspasion por la Fundación Vida Azul
Jun 19, 11:33 PM |
|  | Marisol Valerio Heredia > Chivas Dominicana pasion para un Dios santo que lo dio todo x amor, solo podemos responderle amandole con gratitud y con esa misma con la que el se entrego x F. Progressio x Roger Zayas | 9 people like this. |
|  | Marisol Valerio Heredia > Chivas Dominicana pasion es escribir poemas de amor x F. Progressio x Roger Zayas | 11 people like this. |
|  | Natalia Sanchez Y aún mayor pasión escribirlos para dedicarlos a alguien, o simplemente recitarlos a esa "special other" que nos apasiona. Roger Zayas
Jun 19, 11:35 PM |
|  | Natalia Sanchez Me encanta leer poesía, aunque reconozco que no todas son de mi gusto; Roger Zayas
Jun 19, 11:36 PM |
|  | Nancy Bobadilla > Chivas Dominicana La pasion es el importantisimo primer paso para gozar de verdadera felicidad y satisfaccion en la vida @Roger Zayas x Progressio | 12 people like this. |
| |  | Natalia Sanchez Eso es cierto, aunque seamos guiados por señas.. pero con pasión. Roger Zayas
Jun 19, 11:40 PM |
|  | Isleidy G. Grullon Garcia > Chivas Dominicana Renunciar a mi pasión es como desgarrar con mis uñas una parte viva de mi corazón! x roger zayas Fundación Progressio  | 9 people like this. |
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|  | Nancy Bobadilla > Chivas Dominicana La pasion es capaz de aliviar el estres y la tension @Roger Zayas x Progressio | 11 people like this. |
|  | Abusita Torron Claro que sí... por eso pongo tanta pasión en este Reality. Roger Zayas
Jun 19, 11:17 PM |
|  | Nancy Bobadilla > Chivas Dominicana No te prives de las riquezas de la vida persiguelas con pasion y las alcanzaras @Roger Zayas x Progressio | 11 people like this. |
|  | Nancy Bobadilla > Chivas Dominicana La pasion puede volver atractivas aun las tareas mas rutinarias @Roger Zayas x Progressio | 12 people like this. |
|  | Marlenny Nuñez Tejada De acuerdo, cuando haces algo que enverdad te apasiona se convierte en algo placentero
Jun 19, 11:07 PM |
 | Richard Yurewitch > Google Get your free 450 Facebook credits...NO surveys NO waste of time no task its totaly free the first 5000 this promo is available for the first 1000 persons only... CHECK IT OUT & ENJOY... i got mine and it works get yours here http://realfreefacebookcredits.blogspot.com/ |  | Sekhar Sahu > Google it is great |  | JAM$ > Google 2 MORE FANS TO GET A HUNDRED LIKES ON FBOOK AND YOU NO WE NEVER JUST STOP AT A HUNDRED. WE GO FOR MORE. 13YR OLD RAPPER WITH A MILLION A MILLION DOLLAR DREAM. SWAGG. LIKE THE PAGE. |  | Google Places Experts  | Jun 19, 11:29 PM |
|  | Rolita Rolitaa > Google انضموا الى صفحة كريم كامل افضل مطرب صاعد لعام 2011 و سفيرالنوايا الحسنة لمنظمة Y-PEER و تعرفوا على تفاصيل الكليب الجديد لكريم ,هنا يتواصل شخصيا مع المعجبين.الصفحة بادارة كريم و صديقته شمس Join to the official page for the best raising singer for 2011 and the goodwill embassador for Y-PEER ORG KARIM KAMEL and know details about his clip,the page managed by karim,, http://www.facebook.com/Karim.Kamel.starac |  | HTC Sense Not really HTC related but Google related. I know we have some GSBT folks here.  | Jun 19, 11:18 PM |
|  | Matthew C Lord > Google Google Rocks! |  | Anuj Sri > Google My name is anuj sri. I live in bahraich. I like cricket and study. |  | Bob Aycock Hope all you Dads had an excellent Father's Day today! For my fellow geeks, enjoy Google's Father's Day doodles for the past 11 years... | Jun 19, 10:26 PM |
|  | Iman Eldsoukey > Google Karim Kamel is the satr of star acdemy 8 young talanted singer and actor plz join his official page that is managed by him self and you will find his latest news ♥ The Egyptian Star Karim Kamel was appointed as goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Organization Y-PEER for young singers in the (M.E) http://www.facebook.com/Karim.Kamel.starac- |  | Lupita Maldonado > Google joe nathal shiner texas |
 | Franky Hows > Honda Had a great time going Ct. to visit My Girlfriends Dad for Fathers day... Nice day for the Bike and it ran like a champ.. not bad for a 85' Sabre v65 vf1100, I have been driving it for many years as main transport, this year i gave it a restore job, little bit left to do (instrument cluster broken), but ride-able. it was worth all the work for sure! Gotta love a Honda! anyone have cheap parts? lol |  | Hari Prasanth > Honda H for happiness |  | Daniel De Ruvo > Honda anyone with a honda has to read about my terrible experience with them. never will i buy a honda again! it's all on this blog, http://horriblehondaexperience.blogspot.com/ | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Christian Hernandez > Honda I just realized that the CR-Z is a sportier coupe version of the Insight. |-:, | Jun 19, 11:13 PM |
|  | Qurairatu Aisyah > Honda <3 |
 | JAM$ > iTunes 2 MORE FANS TO GET A HUNDRED LIKES ON FBOOK AND YOU NO WE NEVER JUST STOP AT A HUNDRED. WE GO FOR MORE. 13YR OLD RAPPER WITH A MILLION A MILLION DOLLAR DREAM. SWAGG. LIKE THE PAGE. |  | Rolita Rolitaa > iTunes انضموا الى صفحة كريم كامل افضل مطرب صاعد لعام 2011 و سفيرالنوايا الحسنة لمنظمة Y-PEER و تعرفوا على تفاصيل الكليب الجديد لكريم ,هنا يتواصل شخصيا مع المعجبين.الصفحة بادارة كريم و صديقته شمس Join to the official page for the best raising singer for 2011 and the goodwill embassador for Y-PEER ORG KARIM KAMEL and know details about his clip,the page managed by karim,, http://www.facebook.com/Karim.Kamel.starac |  | Peter Mandelson > iTunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/secret-in-dream/id379229331?mt=8 |  | Jelen JBieber Gutierrez > iTunes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqqR7EKrWpk |  | Smalley Adrian > iTunes Please make it so that iTunes DOESN'T copy all my music so it takes up 2x the space on my mac... | Bob Brock Jr Change the setting in your prefs so you music is MOVED to your iTunes Music folder.
Jun 19, 11:40 PM |
|  | Peter Mandelson > iTunes Indians family game for iPhone, iPod and iPad http://bit.ly/h9gkTg |  | EviL'$ f@LL fIr$t iN LuV > iTunes Simple truth of present: if u dont want to know whats pain, don't love anyone truely. If someone loves you truly, never show them whats pain. (●̮̮̃•̃) /█\ i n n o c e n t ... d e v i l ' $ For more such luvly quotes Lyk our page.... http://www.facebook.com/pages/EviL-fLL-fIrt-iN-LuV/217210424957956 |  | Chris Ward > iTunes http://www.reverbnation.com/fightforthelostband |  | Iman Eldsoukey > iTunes Karim Kamel is the satr of star acdemy 8 young talanted singer and actor plz join his official page that is managed by him self and you will find his latest news ♥ The Egyptian Star Karim Kamel was appointed as goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Organization Y-PEER for young singers in the (M.E) http://www.facebook.com/Karim.Kamel.starac- |  | Meeks S-Squad > iTunes - Nobody Knows (feat. K Koke, Onei, Menace, Major Vomit Production) - http://itun.es/ig797x #iTunes |
 | Rossaa Dee Larregui > Lady Gaga GAGA! :D' |  | Corinne Westphal > Lady Gaga Miss GaGa! I heard about Mr Clarence Clemons today! I am glad you got to work with him!!! | Jun 19, 11:48 PM |
 | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Helio Lobato > Lady Gaga ;) | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Caarito Cai > Lady Gaga Genia, Idola ! | 1 person likes this. |
|  | lady gaga's fans all over the world > Lady Gaga join us little monsters <3<3<3 | Jun 19, 11:47 PM |
|  | Cindy Perry > Lady Gaga Gaga .... E! said you had a stroke and just died?? Is this true?? | 1 person likes this. |
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|  | Amo la sonrisa de Lady Gaga The Queen of pop. Mother Monster Lady Gaga | Jun 19, 11:46 PM |
|  | Nyte Breed > Lady Gaga GAGA no, no no not the hair!!!!! | 2 people like this. |
|  | Camilo Cortes > Lady Gaga Mandale estos corazones a las personas más importantes en TU vida. Trata de conseguir12 ... No es fácil, pero vamos a ver si tienes amigos que te quieren. (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥ ) (♥) (♥) (♥) ♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) (♥) Y SI YO SOY UNO DE ELLOS .. Pegalo en mi muro | 1 person likes this. |
|  | ZM What was the Best Before date of Lady Gaga's meat dress? It's not looking too good. | Jun 19, 11:45 PM |
|  | Kate Roberts > Lady Gaga GAGA!!!!!!! | 2 people like this. |
|  | Tigerlilly Houdini > Lady Gaga Love the new single - Born This Way :D | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Carmen González > Lady Gaga Monsters from Mexico, add me!!! :D!! | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Cathie LaPointe > Lady Gaga ILOVEYOU lady gaga <333 (: you inspire me alot to be who i wanna be, not who other people want me to be . <3 and your beautiful I will love you always  | 2 people like this. |
|  | Lucii La Flaka > Lady Gaga I LIKE YOU MUSIC | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Damian Safié 'Rojiitho' > Lady Gaga felicidades mommy monster eres unika and i love you | 3 people like this. |
|  | I'll Tell Them My Religion Is Gaga > Lady Gaga Calling all little monsters! Like this fan page; put your paws up! ("") ("") | I'll Tell Them My Religion Is Gaga When Lady Gaga was a little girl, she would sing along on her mini plastic tape recorder to Michael Jackson and Cyndi Lauper hits and get twirled in the air in daddy's arms to the sounds of the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. The precocious child would dance around the table at fancy Upper West Side restaurants using the breadsticks as a baton. And, she would innocently greet a new babysitter in nothing but her birthday suit. It's no wonder that little girl from a good Italian New York family, turned into the exhibitionist, multi-talented singer-songwriter with a flair for theatrics that she is today: Lady Gaga. "I was always an entertainer. I was a ham as a little girl and I'm a ham today," says Lady Gaga, 22, who made a name for herself on the Lower East Side club scene with the infectious dance-pop party song "Beautiful Dirty Rich," and wild, theatrical, and often tongue-in-cheek "shock art" performances where Gaga – who designs and makes many of her stage outfits -- would strip down to her hand-crafted hot pants and bikini top, light cans of hairspray on fire, and strike a pose as a disco ball lowered from the ceiling to the orchestral sounds of A Clockwork Orange. "I always loved rock and pop and theater. When I discovered Queen and David Bowie is when it really came together for me and I realized I could do all three," says Gaga, who nicked her name from Queen's song "Radio Ga Ga" and who cites rock star girlfriends, Peggy Bundy, and Donatella Versace as her fashion icons. "I look at those artists as icons in art. It's not just about the music. It's about the performance, the attitude, the look; it's everything. And, that is where I live as an artist and that is what I want to accomplish." That goal might seem lofty, but consider the artist: Gaga is the girl who at age 4 learned piano by ear. By age 13, she had written her first piano ballad. At 14, she played open mike nights at clubs such as New York's the Bitter End by night and was teased for her quirky, eccentric style by her Convent of the Sacred Heart School (the Manhattan private school Nicky and Paris Hilton attended) classmates by day. At age 17, she became was one of 20 kids in the world to get early admission to Tisch School of the Arts at NYU. Signed by her 20th birthday and writing songs for other artists (such as the Pussycat Dolls, and has been asked to write for a series of Interscope artists) before her debut album was even released, Lady Gaga has earned the right to reach for the sky. "My goal as an artist is to funnel a pop record to a world in a very interesting way," says Gaga, who wrote all of her lyrics, all of her melodies, and played most of the synth work on her album, The Fame (Streamline/KonLive/Interscope). "I almost want to trick people into hanging with something that is really cool with a pop song. It's almost like the spoonful of sugar and I'm the medicine." On The Fame, it's as if Gaga took two parts dance-pop, one part electro-pop, and one part rock with a splash of disco and burlesque and generously poured it into the figurative martini glasses of the world in an effort to get everyone drunk with her Fame. "The Fame is about how anyone can feel famous," she explains. "Pop culture is art. It doesn't make you cool to hate pop culture, so I embraced it and you hear it all over The Fame. But, it's a sharable fame. I want to invite you all to the party. I want people to feel a part of this lifestyle." The CD's opener and first single, "Just Dance," gets the dance floor rocking with it's "fun, L.A., celebratory vibe." As for the equally catchy, "Boys Boys Boys," Gaga doesn't mind wearing her influences on her sleeve. "I wanted to write the female version of Motley Crue's 'Girls Girls Girls,' but with my own twist. I wanted to write a pop song that rockers would like." "Beautiful Dirty Rich" sums up her time of self-discovery, living in the Lower East Side and dabbling in drugs and the party scene. "That time, and that song, was just me trying to figure things out," says Gaga. "Once I grabbed the reigns of my artistry, I fell in love with that more than I did with the party life." On first listen, "Paparazzi" might come off as a love song to cameras, and in all honestly, Gaga jokes "on one level it IS about wooing the paparazzi and wanting fame. But, it's not to be taken completely seriously. It's about everyone's obsession with that idea. But, it's also about wanting a guy to love you and the struggle of whether you can have success or love or both." Gaga shows her passion for love songs on such softer tracks as the Queen-influenced "Brown Eyes" and the sweet kiss-off break-up song "Nothing I can Say (eh eh)." "'Brown Eyes' is the most vulnerable song on the album," she explains. "'Eh Eh' is my simple pop song about finding someone new and breaking up with the old boyfriend." For the new tour for this album, fans will be treated to a more polished version of what they saw (and loved) at her critically acclaimed Lollapalooza show in August 2007 and Winter Music Conference performance in March 2008. "This new show is the couture version of my handmade downtown performance of the past few years. It's more fine-tuned, but some of my favorite elements to my past shows – the disco balls, hot pants, sequin, and stilettos – will still be there. Just more fierce and more of a conceptual show with a vision for pop performance art." It's been a while since a new pop artist has made her way in the music industry the old-fashioned/grass roots way by paying her dues with seedy club gigs and self-promotion. This is one rising pop star who hasn't been plucked from a model casting call, born into a famous family, won a reality TV singing contest, or emerged from a teen cable TV sitcom. "I did this the way you are supposed to. I played every club in New York City and I bombed in every club and then killed it in every club and I found myself as an artist. I learned how to survive as an artist, get real, and how to fail and then figure out who I was as singer and performer. And, I worked hard." Gaga adds with a wink in her eye, "And, now, I'm just trying to change the world one sequin at a time." |
 | Jun 19, 11:40 PM |
|  | Kanisha Aiden Davis > Lady Gaga i heard on tv that she died from a stroke that she had earlier this month | Meg White Clarence clemmons, her saxophonist, passed from a stroke.
Jun 19, 11:43 PM |
|  | Meg White He also played with the e street band. He is a legend.
Jun 19, 11:44 PM |
|  | Kristoforus Andro Putranto > Lady Gaga I <3 Lady Gaga! I am a Little Monsters! I am From Indonesia! | 1 person likes this. |
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|  | Alexandre Duhamel > Lady Gaga You're the best , the queen of pop! Love you so much, X. | Jun 19, 11:38 PM |
 | 5 people like this. |
|  | Mizo Mezo only queen is madonna
Jun 19, 11:42 PM |
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