 | Damaris Suclea > Coca-Cola I love you coca-colaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:x . |  | Wok 'N Fire > Coca-Cola WHO HAD THE BEST FATHER'S DAY, AND WHY??? |  | Joni Compton > Coca-Cola Add me pls |  | Mario Deliix > Coca-Cola i love coca cola |  | Paul Green > Coca-Cola Just a quick question I have been saving my coke zone points in the uk now for over a year as I remember sometime ago coke had some decent things to spend them on but now it seems all we have to spend them on is rubbish screensavers, competitions that you have little or no chance of winning or half price magazine subscriptions...so my question is are we to expect anything better in the future or has coke promotions really fell this far in such a short space of time.  | 2 people like this. |
|  | Anurag Srivastava > Coca-Cola Finest drink ever i had........... |
 | Embajada USA - Santo Domingo (Limit 20) | Customize |
 | Embajada USA - Santo Domingo Clarence Clemons, el saxofonista de la banda legendaria de Bruce Springsteen, falleció el fin de semana. Descansa en paz, Clarence. | Jun 20, 7:35 AM |
 | 5 people like this. |
 | New York Yankees Nick of time: Swisher snaps a 4-4 tie with a three-run blast in the 8th. | Jun 20, 7:34 AM |
 | 706 people like this. |
 | Rafael Nadal Acabo de terminar el último entrenamiento antes del primer partido. Concentrado para jugar lo mejor posible y disfrutar de Wimbledon que está repleto de gente! Gracias por vuestro apoyo. I just finished the last training before the first game. Concentrated to play my best and enjoy a crowded Wimbledon! Thanks for you support. | Jun 20, 7:02 AM |
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