 | Esther Pimentel > Chivas Dominicana La pasion aparece repentinamente y es fugaz Ico Abreu Fundación Vida Azul | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Esther Pimentel > Chivas Dominicana Pasion sentimiento muy intenso,que se siente por alguien,algo,algun deporte o idea Fundación Vida Azul Ico Abreu |  | Arianny Tejeda Abreu > Chivas Dominicana la pasion es como el motor que mueve la vida...Fundación Un Amigo Como Tú y Pamela sued FanPage  | 3 people like this. |
|  | Danely Capois > Chivas Dominicana pasion nose explica simplemente se vive!!!! .Ico Abreu Fundación Vida Azul |  | Danely Capois > Chivas Dominicana pasion nose explica simplemente se vive!!!! .Ico Abreu Fundación Vida Azul | 1 person likes this. |
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|  | Danely Capois > Chivas Dominicana pasion nose explica simplemente se vive!!!! .Ico Abreu Fundación Vida Azul | 1 person likes this. |
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|  | Emma Carolina Fernandez-Albert > Chivas Dominicana El hombre que no ha amado apasionadamente ignora la mitad más bella de la vida. Stendhal @icoabreu #chivaspasion en favor de la Fundación Vida Azul |  | Esther Pimentel > Chivas Dominicana La pasión pertenece a sus sujetos y estos sujetos a los que la pasión pertenece están contenidos en la definición de la pasión.Ico Abreu Fundación Vida Azul | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Emma Carolina Fernandez-Albert La pasión no tiene dueño goza del placer de quienes eligen vivirla. @icoabreu #chivaspasion en favor de la Fundación Vida Azul
Jun 19, 12:47 AM |
|  | Danely Capois > Chivas Dominicana Pasiòn!! pasiòn!! pasiòn!!! con solo decirlo la sentimos.....Ico Abreu Fundación Vida Azul | 2 people like this. |
|  | Emma Carolina Fernandez-Albert Sentir la pasión nos dice que estamos vivos." ECF-A @icoabreu #chivaspasoin en favor de la Fundación Vida Azul
Jun 19, 12:49 AM |
|  | Esther Pimentel > Chivas Dominicana El sujeto y su pasión no son lo mismo realmente, aunque supongan por lo mismo y aunque la predicación de uno del otro sea necesaria.Ico Abreu Fundación Vida Azul | 2 people like this. |
|  | Emma Carolina Fernandez-Albert Que la pasión siembre sea verbo y no sustantivo. @icoabreu #chivaspasion en favor de la Fundación Vida Azul
Jun 19, 12:50 AM |
|  | Esther Pimentel > Chivas Dominicana La pasión es algo que está en el alma como su atributo esencial, por lo tanto no inhiere a los individuos de quienes predica sino que supone por ellos Fundación Vida Azul Ico Abreu | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Esther Pimentel > Chivas Dominicana "la pasión no es alguna cosa fuera del alma, inherente a aquello de lo que se dice la pasión, sino que la pasión es algo predicable mental o vocal o escrito, predicable en el segundo modo del sujeto del que se dice la pasión.Ico Abreu Fundación Vida Azul | 1 person likes this. |
|  | Jypsis Matos Mora > Chivas Dominicana PASION POR LA FIDELIDAD DE DIOS Números. 23:19. «Dios no es hombre, para que mienta; ni hijo de hombre para que se arrepienta: él dijo ¿y no hará?; habló, ¿y no lo ejecutará?» 2 Timoteo. 2:13. «Si fuéramos infieles, él permanece fiel: no se puede negar a sí mismo.» ROGER ZAYAS Y PROGRESSIO | 2 people like this. |
 | Padmanathan Govindan > Google LOCK -IN TOUR POSITION NOW 100% FREE Get READY PRE-LAUNCH - Get READY For The Biggest Launch This Industry Has EVER Seen! Get READY For The Biggest Launch This Industry Has EVER Seen! Turn a ONE-TIME $10 Into Over $10,000 Over and Over Again... http://autoxten.com/biz3021 |  | Rolita Rolitaa > Google انضموا الى صفحة كريم كامل افضل مطرب صاعد لعام 2011 و سفيرالنوايا الحسنة لمنظمة Y-PEER و تعرفوا على تفاصيل الكليب الجديد لكريم ,هنا يتواصل شخصيا مع المعجبين.الصفحة بادارة كريم و صديقته شمس Join to the official page for the best raising singer for 2011 and the goodwill embassador for Y-PEER ORG KARIM KAMEL and know details about his clip,the page managed by karim,, http://www.facebook.com/Karim.Kamel.starac |  | Dakota Barr > Google Why is your logo Father's Day rather than a tribute to Clarence Clemons? |  | Bubs Thekillah > Google http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_l9iJvQThY&feature=player_embedded#at=11 |  | Elyse Betters > Google hello |  | Rohit Shroff > Google I m one of the VICTIMS of the Fraud Realtors – SAROJ JHUNJHUNWALA and ASHISH RUIA - JJ REALTORS PVT LTD - KOLKATA... They have started there fraudulent activities in Bhubaneswar also, Please visit the below mentioned links for more Information on there activities: REALTORS IN FRAUD NET – SAROJ JHUNJHUNWALA and ASHISH RUIA http://www.telegraphindia.com/1100414/jsp/calcutta/story_12335855.jsp http://jjestatesbbsr.com/about.htm |  | Emma Prosser > Google Girl : Am I pretty? Boy : NO. Girl : Do you want to be with me forever? Boy : NO. Girl : Would you cry if I walked away? ...........................Boy : NO. She heard enough, and was hurt. She walked away, tears ran down her face. The boy grabbed her arm. Boy : Your not pretty, your beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever, I NEED to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would DIE. (Boy whispers) : Please? Stay with me. (Girl whispers) : I will. Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they love you. Something good will happen to you between 1-4 pm. Tomorrow it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life! If you don't post this to 5 other pages. You will have relationship problems for the next 10 yearSee More |
 | 1 person likes this. |
 | Itzel Hernandez > Lady Gaga We are really sorry for your friend CC. "when you are lonely, I'll be lonely too" when you are sad, we'll be sad too. You have millions of Little Monsters to support you. We love you!  | Jun 19, 12:44 AM |
 | 2 people like this. |
 | People Against Gay Bullying > Lady Gaga PAGB WELCOMES YOU TO BE APART OF THE FIGHT TO END BULLYING! IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS BEING BULLIED, TAKE A STAND, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, BUT TOGETHER WE CAN END THIS UNJUSTICE! WE CAN STAND TOGETHER AND SAVE LIVES FROM SUICIDE, MURDER, DEPRESSION. LETS UNITE OUR PLANET IN PEACE AND SURROUND IT WITH LOVE!  | People Against Gay Bullying Our mission is to spread awareness of Bullying in general and Gay hate as a crime, to the world. Awareness of how to make a difference. Our mission is to make this world a better place, a place of love, a planet of unity. |
 | Jun 19, 12:44 AM |
 | 4 people like this. |
 | Edgar Hernadez Patricio > Lady Gaga yeaaaaaa | 2 people like this. |
 | Julio Gabriel Pisfil Suclupe > Lady Gaga I LovE ♥♥♥♥♥ GaGa ^^  | 1 person likes this. |
 | Erica Martin > Lady Gaga Gaga, you okay? Sorry to hear about Clarence, but at least you got to spend some time with him on EoG and Hair. Love you, Mama Monster. Don't cry. <3 | 1 person likes this. |
 | Yo amo a Gaga, nuestra Mommy Monster ~ Cuantos monster ON esta noche? ♥ ~ ~ Que estan haciendo? ~ Pss yo estoy escuchando Electric Chapel Lady Gaga & Better Get To Movin de Heffron Drive :) ♥ "Me Gusta" |
 | Gaby Lizarraga > Lady Gaga el programa q hubo oi en MTV fue super interesante la adoro y sigue asi  | 1 person likes this. |
 | Kenneth Clem > Lady Gaga Rip Clarence clemons .. | Jun 19, 12:38 AM |
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 | Bob Kruger > Lady Gaga At least he layed down some bad fucking ass tracks for you before he passed. RIP CC... | 1 person likes this. |
 | Keshon McBroom > Lady Gaga Lady Gaga I jus got 1 thng to say........... i luv u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freaking much!:)<3  | 4 people like this. |
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